Go check and see your First Week Checklist with your Doer!
Day 1 - Summarise Your Business
- Connect with your Doer (and the rest of your team if applicable), it's their first day with you, so it'll be nice to see some friendly faces.
- Give an overview of your business, and think about your short and long-term goals.
- Set expectations and give your Doer an overview of what their role will look like. (Provide an organizational chart, if applicable)
- Enroll them in any content that you have created, or send them links to content you’ve been featured in (e.g. youtube videos; podcasts; articles) so that they can gain a greater understanding of your business, product offerings, communication style, and processes.
Day 2 - Summarise your Programs
- Outline what programs/tools you use, where files are kept, and where they can find information (add the links of Google Folder/Docs/Dropbox, etc containing this information into Basecamp so your Doer can easily reference them)
- Share all of the screen-sharing videos you have created that show your Doer step-by-step insights into business-specific tasks and processes.
- If you’re using business-specific programs or tools that weren’t indicated in your initial Business Brief, provide them links to online tutorials for them to watch.
Day 3 - Process Documents
- Ask your Doer to run through the Standard Operating Procedure Documents that you have, and maybe even create a small quiz around this!
- This will be a good opportunity to understand if the last two days of intensive onboarding have set your Doer up for success, or maybe it's a good way to understand if your Doer needs more guidance in certain spots.
Day 4 - Introduce Recurring Tasks
- Plan and outline the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks that you’ll be delegating to your Doer, develop a checklist for each step that you would take to complete the task, and provide a Loom (or equivalent so that your Doer can see you complete the task too).
- Ask your Doer to complete these tasks and provide you with feedback (we find that our newest team members have the best feedback about our processes).
Day 5 - Weekly Summary
Continue to allocate tasks and ask your Doer to complete a weekly summary outlining what they’ve learned, what they need more clarity on, and what they are excited about.
Then it is all about 'Next Week!' Provide your Doer with a brief overview of what you want them to focus on in Week 2.
If you need further assistance, please forward your queries to founders@outsourceddoers.com.