The Doers can work on two shifts:
Shift A (Morning shift) 8:00 am - 12:00 pm PST (US time)
Shift B (Afternoon shift) 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST (US Time)
Furthermore, the Pacific Standard Timeshift can be converted into these time zones:
Daylight Savings Time Info:
When Daylight Savings Time is active, Doer's schedule will be adjusted to accommodate the change to PST Daylight Savings time.
United States Daylight Savings Time Starts in March and ends in November (please note that the dates may vary).
Shift A 8 AM - 12 PM [12 AM - 4 AM Philippine Time]
Shift B 1 PM - 5 PM [5 AM - 9 AM Philippine Time]
Shift A 8 AM - 12 PM [11 PM - 3 AM Philippine Time]
Shift B 1 PM - 5 PM [4 AM - 8 AM Philippine Time]
Time Zone Change Requests
Unfortunately, we’re unable to change the shift start and finish times of your Doer by a few hours, as these are also the shift times of the Doers Success Lead and SME (Subject Matter Expert) teams who are there to provide assistance to your Doer during those hours if needed.
If you require your Doer to swap over to work in the alternative time zone (eg. swap from working PST to working AEST - or vice versa) please reach out to your assigned Client Experience Manager, who will contact the Workforce Planning Teams with your request to see if this time change is possible.
Time Zone change requests take at least two weeks to be processed and finalized to allow enough time for our Human Resources, Work Force Management team, and Doer Success team to update Doer records, logging/attendance systems, and team rosters.
It will also allow your Doer time to adjust to the new time zone.
During that time, your Doer will work in the original time zone until the transfer has been approved and finalized.