It is essential that you successfully onboard your Doer into your business, just like you would onboard a local team member into your business when they first start working with you! These steps will set the foundations of a lasting and successful partnership with your Doer that will ensure you grow and scale into a profitable and sustainable lifestyle business.
Here are some suggestions of tasks and procedures you can do with your Doer on their first day, to help them feel welcome and an integral and valued part of your team.
We have broken it down into two parts. Firstly, we’ve created a Pre-Launch checklist to help you prepare for your Doer’s first day. Secondly, we’ve outlined some suggested tasks to do on your Doer’s first day.
Pre-Launch Checklist
Here is your Pre-Launch Checklist so you’re prepped and ready for your Doer:
1. Watch all Outsourcing Mini Series Masterclasses videos before your Launch Day.
2. Download the Basecamp App onto your phone (available on iOS & Android). 3. Use the Briefing Toolkit to prepare your first three Briefs (and double back for future briefs!), and upload them into Basecamp prior to Launch day. 4. Use Loom (Or a Loom equivalent) to record any briefing, instructional or feedback videos for your Doer.
5. Meet your Doer Success Lead (DSL) on Basecamp! They will be your Doer's team leader!
First Day Checklist
1. Connect with your Doer, it is a big day for both of you!
2. Your Doer has spent a lot of time in training, spend time aligning them with your business, goals, mission, and objectives.
3. Consider your next 90 days, what Wildly Important Goals are you asking your Doer to work towards?
4. Set expectations and give your Doer an overview of what their role will look like. (Provide an organizational chart, if applicable).
5. Enroll your Doer in any courses you’ve created, or send them links to content you’ve created or been featured in (e.g. youtube videos; podcasts; articles) so they gain a greater understanding of your business, product offerings, communication style, and processes.
6. Starting a new job with a new team can be daunting, it may take a minute for your Doer to start feeling completely comfortable, don't forget to check in with them to see how they are going :-)